roysworld: the world according to roy

technologist, magician, father. not necessarily in that order. tips

22 December 2005

I've been using for a while now. For the uninitiated it's an online bookmark tool, allowing you to store bookmarks in a global way, tagging them for later recovery. It's pretty useful actually (it's what I use to generate my "Looking At" links - amongst other things) and it's not going to go away as Yahoo have just acquired it.Ok so why am I suddenly blogging about it. Well, firstly I should have mentioned it ages ago, and secondly Slacker Manager has written a brilliant article entitled The Several Habits of Wildly Successful users. It's well worth a read.


Hello. My name is Roy. I live in rural Oxfordshire.

This is my blog. I write about things that interest me, make me laugh or that I want to remember.